If you and your partner are currently experiencing fertility problems, it’s advisable for you to both be as healthy as you can in order to maximise your chances of conception and childbirth. Research conducted by the NHS has linked having a healthy BMI (body mass index) of between 20 –

When it comes to your fertility there are some exercises and activities which are proven to work, whilst others can harm and hinder your chances of conception. So which is which and what should you be doing to support your overall fertility journey? Good exercises for fertility Regular, moderate exercise

If you’re currently trying to conceive then you’ll want to have a healthy body and mind. Moderate exercising, rather than excessive, exhausting workouts are likely to be the most appropriate type of activity and this is supported by recent studies which found women who performed high-frequency, high-intensity exercise had a

Adopt the right level of exercise Exercising too strenuously can be as damaging to fertility as doing too little exercise; it can trigger the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which can interfere with reproductive functions. Gentle exercise, on the other hand, has been found to improve your chances of

With infertility affecting 1 in 6 couples in the western world, there are almost treatments for each of the causes of infertility, whether it’s through mainstream medical treatment or complementary therapy or both. For couples experiencing infertility, there is a bewildering number of options to choose from to help them

Being on a fertility journey can be mentally, physically and emotionally challenging. Whether you have been trying for a baby naturally for a while, or having assisted reproductive treatment or IVF to conceive – it can be difficult at whatever stage you are at on your journey. How do you

The interest in yoga has grown significantly over the last 20 years, with over 300 million yoga practitioners across the global population promoting their health and wellbeing. So why is yoga good for you? Yoga helps to manage stress, relax the mind and body, as well as making your muscles

Yoga connect nurture honour love Our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and feelings can positively and negatively affect our biological functioning. The mind-body connection can be defined as the information flow of biology regulators, a network of interconnections by the nervous system that regulates organ functions and hormones. The brain and the