Adopt the right level of exercise
Exercising too strenuously can be as damaging to fertility as doing too little exercise; it can trigger the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which can interfere with reproductive functions. Gentle exercise, on the other hand, has been found to improve your chances of conceiving. Try low impact activities like walking, yoga, tai chi and pilates, and aim for little and often.
Abdominal breathing is a great way to de-stress and build the inner strength so often needed when trying for a baby. Either sit or lie in a comfortable position and place your hands lightly on your abdomen. Close your eyes and focus on the natural rhythm of your breath, feeling the abdomen expand and release. Relax your shoulders and facial muscles and, as you begin to breathe more deeply, feel the expansion in your rib cage and chest. Focus on clearing your mind of negative thoughts with each exhalation.
Rest in a fertility-boosting position
Moon Pose (Shashankasana) gently massages the abdomen area and has been found to alleviate disorders of both male and female reproductive organs. Sitting on your heels raise your arms above your head, shoulder-width apart. Exhale and bend your trunk forward from the hips, keeping your arms and head in line with your trunk. Place the hands and forehead on the floor (or a cushion), bending your arms slightly to relax them and rest the elbows on the floor.
Exercise your pelvis
Cat Pose (Marjariasana) not only reduces tension and improves your spine’s flexibility, but also brings blood flow and energy to the pelvic area and gently tones it. Come onto all fours, with your hips over your knees and your hands under your shoulders, arms straight. Inhale, tilting the tailbone up, arching your back and looking up – this is upward cat. Exhale, bringing your head through your arms, chin to chest, and rounding the spine as you tuck the tailbone under – this is downward cat. Repeat upward then downward cat 10 times if you can.
Get outside
Research shows that being out and about in nature lowers stress levels and boosts well-being, which will impact on your fertility. Try to spend some time outside each day, even if it is just ten minutes on your lunch break sitting in a nearby park.